We can all benefit from learning about tips and tricks to advance DEI efforts within our teams. Please share any exaqmples you might have. E.g. rotating responsibility in monthly meetingsfor someone to share information or lead a discussion.
We share DEI-related videos and tips among our DPO group (such as this one: https://youtu.be/YrHIQIO_bdQ) and discuss. Then we pass them down to our managers and discuss with them. The managers are then encouraged to share these with their teams at huddles or staff meetings to open up discussions with their teams. This has worked well for us. We find a good, powerful and quick video is a great way to open up a conversation with the team.
Leaders- If you haven’t checked out LinkedIn Learning, please do so. There is a good Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Collection there.
All team members at Wellstar now have access. From https://www.linkedin.com/learning/, Sign In with your Wellstar email. Or go to eSource to see the announcement.